If you're looking to promote your skills and hook up with writers, then this is the place to be. Self Published Authors is striving to be a well rounded resource for all sides of the writing business.
So if you're a graphic designer that can create book covers, an editor that can ease the burden of time constraints that authors face, a book reviewer that will offer free reviews, a creative coach that can help with brain lock or if you have a blog that offers free publicity for self published authors, then I want to hear from you!
Please take a look at my blog to get a feel for the authors that I've already interviewed. If you feel your skills would fit then please email me at DefianceRising@live.com
For my fellow authors...if there is a site that has helped you in your journey to publication, or your own website has useful tips, please email me and I will get the word out.
All emails need to be directed to DefianceRising@live.com