Where can we find your book?
SPLINTERS OF LIGHT is available on Amazon.com as well as Amazon Kindle.
You can also find a fuller description plus excerpt at
How much does it cost?
At Amazon it is $19.99 for paperback and $7.69 for Kindle. I
recommend readers buy it there rather than Xlibrs which published it.
Amazon is cheaper.
Tell us a little about your book:
SPLINTERS OF LIGHT is a rather comprehensive collection of my poetry
and short prose written over the last forty years. It is introduced
by Gloria Gaither and contains the award-winning poem, Minnie
Do you have any upcoming projects?
I’ve just finished a double trilogy titled THE WINDFALLOW CHRONICLES
and am searching for a publisher.
What has your journey as a writer been like?
I began writing for religious periodicals some fifty years ago, and
then branched out to secular magazines. Many times I became
discouraged by rejection slips and lack of interest and swore never to
write again. But the words would not be contained and I wrote in
spite of obstacles. Finally, a poem, Minnie Remembers took off; was
filmed as a documentary, and reprinted hundreds of time in both
religious and secular publications. It brought an invitation from the
Upper Room to write a book of poetry, MIND SONG that sold out of its
first printing. I was booked for programs, concerts and symposiums
based on the film and Minds Song. Then, all the doors closed.
During the seven year long writer’s block that followed, I began
carving carousel horses; the words came back as carousel poetry which
became popular.
Since then I’ve written an historical novel set in the time of Christ,
also write two weekly newspaper columns; Country Roads and Granny’s
Place. I maintain three blogs and contribute to the Jingle Poetry
Why did you choose to self-publish?
Because the publishing market had literally dried up. And, when I
published the first two books, it only cost $99 to do so. SPLINTERS
OF LIGHT was published by Xlibris and by that time the price had risen
Would you do it again?
Only as a last resort. The fees are extravagantly expensive and
unless you want to spend as much for marketing as you did for
publication, you will have no promotion other than your own efforts.
XL was especially aggressive in their push to sell a marketing plan.
Advice to future authors:
Be very careful before you commit to a publisher. If they do not have
a full explanation of services, fees, royalties, etc. on their website
or marketing guide, don’t be afraid to ask for that information.
Proof, proof, proof as you write. Make sure your copy is as good as
you can make it before you send in out into the world of publishers.
Have a friend read it if possible and give feedback. Then, give it to
God and ask him to use it to his glory.
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