Where can we find your book? THE NAKED GROOM is an Ebook – available on Amazon.com for Kindle only and on Smashwords.com for Nook, Kobo and other Ereaders in EPub, pdf, rtf and various other formats.
How much does it cost? THE NAKED GROOM - $2.99
Tell us a little about your book. My debut novel is a romantic comedy.
Tiffany Stonebridge, youngest daughter of Mitch Stonebridge, the used car Czar is in love with aspiring chef, Richard Grainger. She rocks his world every chance she gets which leads him to max out his plastic on a ring that would light up the night sky. Richard promises her a honeymoon in Tahiti if only to impress Mr. Stonebridge.
With no way to pay for any of this, Richard secretly takes a second job as a nude artist's model. Tiffany and her rich family can never find out or things could get very ugly.
His life gets more complicated when he meets Clarise Simpson, another artist’s model…a naked one. Their friendship goes from zero to bed in a blink. Richard battles his feelings for both women.
Richard’s friend leaves a big old hound dog with and splits. As a result he misses a couple of Stonebridge family gatherings. Tiffany and her father think Richard might be babysitting someone else besides a dog. Which one is the one - Clarise or Tiffany? Richard knows what he has to do. Do you?
Do you have any upcoming projects? A young adult mystery novel to be released sometime in October. Two more adult novels to be released in 2012.
What has your journey as a writer been like? I’ve been writing for over twelve years. During that time, I took novel writing classes and joined writer’s groups, but what has helps me most are published authors who mentor, encourage, critique and listen to me while I continue to learn my craft. Finding time to write while life happens is a challenge.
What time of day do you write best? I have found that for me – 6 am is the time for me to write at least one hour (two if I can swing it) every morning – and I mean every morning. It is so easy to get out of a routine. Your writing has to be part of your everyday – just like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast.
How do you plan to promote your book? Coming from a marketing/advertising background – I have learned that social networks and face-to-face promotion work really well. I have put my debut book on Smashwords.com (premium distribution) as well as on Amazon.com (Kindle). I have made it available in as many formats as possible.
Additionally I have created business card-sized color promotional ads with the cover on one side and a short cover blurb on the back. The ISBN number as well as from which sites it can be purchased or downloaded. These cards I hand out at every opportunity. I have written press releases for my book and am sending it (along with a cover image and bio) to all the local and national newspapers. Speaking at local book clubs and writer’s groups are also on the agenda.
Why did you choose to self-publish? For years I have been going the traditional route of sending out queries, sample chapters and complete manuscripts to agents and editors, but in the months and years it takes to get responses (and rejections) my novels could be on the market.
With changes in technology and the rapid decline in traditional books and bookstores, E-publishing and specifically self-publishing is the only viable choice.
Would you do it again? Yes I will. Even several published authors I know are converting or offering their latest works as Ebooks. Some are abandoning traditional print books altogether.
Please share some advice to help future authors. Self-publishing requires the same diligence and care that traditional publishing does. There are no shortcuts to a great story. Be brutally honest with yourself and accept criticism of your work.
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