Self Published Authors is excited to introduce you to Shawna Carter, author of Cooking with Creepers. As a mom I always love to find new cooking books!

Where can we find your book? The Lil' Creeper books can be found at all online retailers such as
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Barnes and Noble as well as through me at
How much does it cost? Cooking with Creepers comes with the Lil' Creeper coloring book when ordered through the author but alone or as a set, it is available for $15.00 CDN
Tell us a little about your book. It's a dessert cookbook for beginners AND children. It walks the reader through making many yummy desserts and treats and the illustrations are left for them to color on their own too!
Do you have any upcoming projects? Lil' Creeper's Winter Shenanigans will be re-released through NCM Publishing in the next few months, so watch for that!
What has your journey as a writer been like? Arduous lol and SO rewarding! I'm not just the writer, I get to be the writer,illustrator,editor and publisher, the whole deal! I love it because it takes me places I might not be otherwise.
Why did you choose to self publish? I chose to self publish because this is something I have worked very hard on, and I've said from the beginning that I wasn't going to stop at one so I wanted every piece of the pie I baked instead of selling each piece off.
Would you do it again? I plan to continue to self publish throughout my series.
Please share some advice to help future authors. Take charge. All it takes is an email or a phone call in the right direction to take you where you want to be. I tour to bookstores everywhere because I have picked up the phone and called them. You have to put everything you have behind your work, so you have to stand biggest behind it.
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