Self Published Authors is proud to present Don Ford, an author who uses both humor and poetry to bring his stories to life! It has been a delight to meet Don and I look forward to hearing about his future success!

Book Title: Funny Business
Book Price: $9.95
Where is your book available for purchase? Soon to be submitted.
Book Description: These are a compilation of stories, poems both facts and fiction in the mix.
What inspired you to write this book? This is the first of 18 to go to market in the future. I am a prolific storyteller, so even my poetry is storytelling. My goal is to inspire young writers and to turn a few frowns right side up. Life needs LAUGHTER!
I see you like to mix up your writing styles. Why have you chosen to do this? For every story there are several types of readers. I write in different genres too for the purpose of adding a greater readership and following.
Which passage from your book is your favorite? I was scratching my head once, which I find myself doing a lot lately. I found a pronounced crease on the left side of my head, where I part my hair. (now everyone reading this please check yours.) This could be the proof I need that extraterrestrial life had entered my brain. However, I don't feel any dumber than before.
Why did you become a writer? I fell into it. My parents separated when I was 15 and I found poetry an easy vent for my young emotions and I've been writing ever since.
What is one fun fact that your readers might like to know about you? I love kids, which becomes quite apparent when you watch me interact with them. One day my son came home from High School and said: "Dad, I don't know what's wrong with my friends in school, they all like you." LOL. Now that he is no longer a teen, he likes his old dad too.
What company did you go through to self-publish? Did you have a good experience? I'm presently with Solstice Publishing for my short story e-book "Royal Ferdinand". See it HERE. I have a great relationship with them after a year. Now they have signed me to a three year deal with this same Children's Tale.
Do you have any advice for up and coming authors? Yes, Send nothing out that isn't your best work. Write and write until it shines. Also, catalog in a story library all of your writings and always have a hard copy or backup for you creations.
Author Bio: I am a storyteller from my Native American roots. I am Greywolf.
Where eagles fly,
Don Ford (Greywolf)
Author website:
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