Self Published Authors would like you to meet John D Rhodes. His book Mr. Memory is now available and sounds like a fantastic read. Check him out on Amazon!
Book Title: Mr. Memory
Book Price: £1.14 or $1.54
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How would you describe your novel, Mr. Memory? In some way’s it a satirical comment on historical events, an explanation for how society has turned out the way it has, which is in no way scientific I may add but then again this is a Fantasy/Humour story!
At its core is the tale of Dave, a man who awakens with a mind like porridge and his memories shredded. He knows he should be somewhere and doing something important but what that is, is a complete mystery. Luckily or perhaps unluckily he’s befriended by Lenny, a strange amalgam of every wizard you’ve ever seen or imagined, if more than a little on the worn side.
Within the book we follow Lenny’s attempts to ‘guide’ Dave. We also meet the meddling ‘beings’ who have existed for a very long time and, as with many people forced to share a long time together, they don’t necessarily get on or agree. There is also a lovely lady, haunted by strange compulsions, an immortal man coming to terms with a very long life and two odd animal friends. Altogether it’s a rollicking roller coaster ride (I might use that when Steven Spielberg comes calling… dream dream).
What genre fits Mr. Memory? Well I don’t like genres Amy but I know they do serve a purpose; provide a hook to hang our hats on. I always choose Fantasy/Humour Fiction but I also like Robert Rankin’s term, Far Fetched Fiction, though so far I’ve not seen that used by anyone other than the man himself. I usually write stories that hover between genres, a mix of all my influences such as Rankin and Douglas Adams, a touch of the Bill Bryson here, a touch of Steven King there!
Who would be your perfect audience? I’d like to think people of all ages, all sexes and all backgrounds. Anyone who likes a touch of silliness but appreciates a bit of gravity mixed in – people who appreciate good writing but don’t want a heavy brain aching read.
Tell us something unique about yourself? I love to get lost on roundabouts - those on roads rather than those at fairgrounds – get me on one of those things and I can spend hours just going around and around (my wife thinks I do it by accident but don’t tell her!)
How has your experience been with self-publishing? So far so good but it’s early days. The actual process has been relatively straight forward but getting people to my book is hard work. I’d love a personal assistant who could do all my promoting for me as I sat and wrote but alas I am poor and have to work to put bread on the table… I’m actually enjoying the social side; I have my blog which has managed over 1000 hits in little over 2 months, which doesn’t sound brilliant but from nothing to that number in such a short space of time, well I’m happy with that. But I would like a lot more of course:
Any words of advice for writers looking to get published? Perseverance. We are so lucky that we live in such a technological age where the means are there to get out and about in the cyber world and let people know who you are and what you do and let you publish for no or little cost. I would like a traditional publishing contract but I have an inkling times are changing…

Writing proved easier to do, no need for a rehearsal room, no need to depend on other musicians. But equally as hard to break into!
I've now spent 30 years piecing together short stories, the odd early attempt at something a little longer, the painful process of sending my beloved work off only to get that familiar rejection letter (which I can add to my record company rejection letters).
Now thanks to the e-world I've decided that what ever happens I'll get one of my books published, even if it's self published, and I'll do it via Kindle e-books which is brilliant, all very professional and my book is now available all over the world and as long as people can find it, are interested and buy it, I'll be even happier.
I'm not like anyone else (though I doubt most people will admit they do) but my main influences are Douglas Adams, Tom Holt and Robert Rankin. My reading tastes have covered the odd Sci fi book and a lot of James Herbert and Stephen King but I prefer something with a little humour.
Who would I be if I could choose, author wise that is (music wise I'd be Paul McCartney - I would have chosen John Lennon but I wouldn't have got to 46) Bill Bryson, the only author who has managed to annoy my wife the most (by making me laugh out loud when I'm reading the most)
So if you’re reading this give one of my books a go, there really not very expensive and you may just like it!
I really gotta skip ahead in my queue and get to this book ... LOL