Self Published Authors is proud to present Rona Go, an author who has written a book that I’m personally excited to read and review! Thank you Rona for taking the time to tell us a little more about yourself!

Book Title: Not Quite Godly
Book Price: $ 4.99
Where can your book be purchased? Available on ebook retailers online
Book Review: "The book surprised me because I expected it to be dark, the kind of books I wouldn't have picked to read. However, it turned out to be funny and romantic—just my cup of tea. You will laugh in every scene where Michaela is (even in the scene when they are battling). I like the part when Zandro and Michaela were given the chance to be alone—it was so uber-romantic!"
Review provided from Goodreads
Book Description: The prophecy was made flesh. Michaela is the devil incarnate. However, she chooses to hurt and love even without the idea of God. Half of the earth needs her. As she discovers she has an evil nature, she trains from being a supernumerary character to the prototype of a villain to vanquish her evil self along with the other half of the earth who wants her dead. Will she end up saving the day and finding true love?
Where did you get the idea for Not Quite Godly? I never really planned for Not Quite Godly to materialize the way it did. All I knew from the beginning of writing the book was the purpose of reaching out the young generation in the language that they speak. At the moment of its conception —vampires, werewolves and zombies were the "in" thing. That was when a devil-incarnate popped to mind, thus Not Quite Godly was given life.
Which Character is your favorite? The female lead character, Michaela is my favorite. She seemed to have a mind of her own apart from what I have conceived her to be. It almost felt like I made an imaginary friend in Michaela.
Book Description: The prophecy was made flesh. Michaela is the devil incarnate. However, she chooses to hurt and love even without the idea of God. Half of the earth needs her. As she discovers she has an evil nature, she trains from being a supernumerary character to the prototype of a villain to vanquish her evil self along with the other half of the earth who wants her dead. Will she end up saving the day and finding true love?
Where did you get the idea for Not Quite Godly? I never really planned for Not Quite Godly to materialize the way it did. All I knew from the beginning of writing the book was the purpose of reaching out the young generation in the language that they speak. At the moment of its conception —vampires, werewolves and zombies were the "in" thing. That was when a devil-incarnate popped to mind, thus Not Quite Godly was given life.
Which Character is your favorite? The female lead character, Michaela is my favorite. She seemed to have a mind of her own apart from what I have conceived her to be. It almost felt like I made an imaginary friend in Michaela.
I also like another character named Apollion. He is just the type of guy most ladies want to end up with but never do. Nevertheless, Apollion is the kind of guy I can consider—the one—no matter who you end up with. If you're a romantic I think you will know what I mean.
What is your writing style? Best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert gave a talk on Ted about nurturing creativity and discussed that all of us "have" a genius.
What is your writing style? Best-selling author of Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert gave a talk on Ted about nurturing creativity and discussed that all of us "have" a genius.
My writing style is basically letting the genius within me run amok. Then, I tweak and nip and let the story live on its own.
What makes Not Quite Godly stand out from the crowd? There is the underlying Christian theme in Not Quite Godly which most readers will only find in the works of Ted Dekker, Eric Wilson or Mike Duran. While their works are geared for a more mature audience, Not Quite Godly would like to reach out the younger ones. With a lighter mood and romantic scenes, Not Quite Godly is something that they will enjoy. Its unique property is like having a feast instead of having a holy celebration of their faith.
Do you plan to write a sequel to Not Quite Godly? There is a sequel to Not Quite Godly. However, I am still completing another novel, The Healer's Blood, which I plan to release by 2012.
What makes Not Quite Godly stand out from the crowd? There is the underlying Christian theme in Not Quite Godly which most readers will only find in the works of Ted Dekker, Eric Wilson or Mike Duran. While their works are geared for a more mature audience, Not Quite Godly would like to reach out the younger ones. With a lighter mood and romantic scenes, Not Quite Godly is something that they will enjoy. Its unique property is like having a feast instead of having a holy celebration of their faith.
Do you plan to write a sequel to Not Quite Godly? There is a sequel to Not Quite Godly. However, I am still completing another novel, The Healer's Blood, which I plan to release by 2012.
How has your experience with self-publishing been? Self-publishing can be daunting if you focus on what traditional publishing can offer in terms of marketing and getting your book out there. However, self-publishing can be a great experience of creation. You get to meet a lot of people who are willing to hold your hand and co-create with you.
Amy, for one, with this site, is a gift to me and to all the other self-published authors.
Do you have any advice for up and coming authors? There are a million and one of us out there. However, we write because we believe the dream of being a writer is embedded deep within us by a source that can only be higher than us. We may encounter times when we do not believe in ourselves anymore. But you will be surprised—because the dream is bigger than us—so believe in your dreams.
Something about Rona Go: One of Rona Go's favorite phrases is from a study of Dostoevsky's work by William Hamilton — Banished from the land of unity — inspiring her ideas of a protagonist as one who is heroic and dark at the same time and her preference for a villain as your regular villain but with a heart.
With a strong background in Philosophy and Theology, Rona Go envisions her writing career positioned in the general market with the elements of her Christian faith experience as her potent trademark. Visit to connect with Rona.
Do you have any advice for up and coming authors? There are a million and one of us out there. However, we write because we believe the dream of being a writer is embedded deep within us by a source that can only be higher than us. We may encounter times when we do not believe in ourselves anymore. But you will be surprised—because the dream is bigger than us—so believe in your dreams.
Something about Rona Go: One of Rona Go's favorite phrases is from a study of Dostoevsky's work by William Hamilton — Banished from the land of unity — inspiring her ideas of a protagonist as one who is heroic and dark at the same time and her preference for a villain as your regular villain but with a heart.
With a strong background in Philosophy and Theology, Rona Go envisions her writing career positioned in the general market with the elements of her Christian faith experience as her potent trademark. Visit to connect with Rona.
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