Editor Name: Dennis De Rose @ Moneysaver Editing
Where can we find your homepage? http://www.authorsden.com/visit/author.asp?id=150139
How much does it cost? I paid $15 for 6 months for my site on Authorsden
Tell us a little about your editing? I have been editing nonstop for 2 plus years and having a great time. I`ve met some wonderful writers.
Do you have any upcoming projects? I am currently editing a vampire novel and finishing up an adventure story, the third of an ongoing series. I have 4 novels to edit pending writers` final tweaking.
What has your journey as a editor been like? It has been rewarding spiritually and economically.
Why did you choose to become an editor? It was quite accidental or a quirk of fate.
Would you do it again? Without a doubt. I expect to continue doing this for quite some time.
Please share some advice to help future editors. Never give up. You will find your editing niche.
Who is your favorite author and why? I don’t have a favorite. I get on swell with all my writer clients. We have formed some wonderful teams.
What one person has impacted your life the most? I have Deb Gaynor of Readersfavorite.com to thank for my initial edits.
What drives you to edit? I love doing it. My writers are very happy with my work.
How do you plan to promote your editing business? Through sites like the Den, blogs like Amy’s and other types of interviews.
Is there anything unique about yourself that you would like your potential clients to know? I would encourage them to check out my space on the Den and feel free to call me so we can chat.
How did you create your business plan? It’s who I am and what I think that defines my plan.
What time of day do you edit best? I edit part time right now mostly in the early evening.
How do you juggle life around your editing? I have learned to be flexible.
What struggles have you overcome as an editor? I have learned to go slow.In this case, the turtle wins the race!
What criticisms have helped you grow as an editor? I consider criticism a building block to better editing. A good writing team never uses negative criticism to cut down either partner.
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